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United Prayer at Marktplatz

Over 20 of us gathered last Sunday, June 7 at Fredericksburg's Marktplatz to pray for Jesus' Church, especially here in the Hill Country but also throughout this nation. Referring to Joel 2:12-18 as inspiration/motivation, Melissa Hughes invited us to a time of prayer, fasting, and repentance. We had a rich time together and were pleasantly surprised at the turn-out.

We decided to continue these meetings indefinitely. So, once again, you are invited to join us at Marktplatz, under the pavilion nearest the corner of North Adams and Austin Streets. We'll begin at the same time (2:00 p.m.) and end at the same time (3:30 p.m.).

Some will be fasting; all will be praying. We will begin with a time of corporate thanksgiving, followed by an opportunity to confess our sin and our need for God.  Then we will move into a time of praying for the region, nation, and world (but especially our Hill Country region).

If attendance is large-enough, we'll break-up into small groups to pray. This is a time for all to pray and for all to hear the heart-felt cry of a neighbor - perhaps someone we've never met before.

Together, we can make a difference like we never could as separate individuals and churches. Many - inside our churches and outside - are worn-out and weighed-down. Hearts are crushed, souls shredded in despair. The answer is old and sure. Jesus says, "Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened" (Matt. 11:28) and "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink" (John 7:37). So consider coming with us as we come to Him - for ourselves and for our communities - united in prayer.

(And consider bringing a chair, though we'll try to use the existing picnic tables.)