Please plan to attend Fredericksburg's annual National Day of Prayer event at Marktplatz on Thursday, May 5. In order to gain greater participation from our young people and those prevented from attending due to their 8am-5pm work schedules, we have changed from our usual lunch-time event to a dinner-time event. We will begin with praise and worship at 5:15 p.m. at Marktplatz and conclude around 6:45 p.m. Bottles of water will be provided free of charge. West End Pizza will be providing very affordable pizza, and we believe that we've raised enough support from churches to give one free slice of pizza to each youth. Cookies and chips will also be available.
Joel Griffin, Director of Youth Ministries at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church will be our emcee, guiding us through our time of united prayer. We expect over five hundred people from many area churches to participate. Come, join your brothers and sisters to pray for our community and our nation. Our local theme will be “Pray for our Country and our Youth."
NEAR-FINAL SCHEDULE (this will likely be modified/updated)
5:15 p.m. Praise & Worship (A.J. Rosa)
5:45 p.m. Welcome (Joel Griffin)
5:50 p.m. "God Bless America" (Donna Jackson and Duncan Holmes)
5:55 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance (One Nation under GOD)
5:59 p.m. Prayer for Youth (Coach Lance Moffett)
6:03 p.m. Prayer for Youth by a Youth (TBD)
6:07 p.m. Testimony by Officer Bradley Durst
6:11 p.m. Prayer for Military and Government (Pastor Jimmy Pruitt)
6:14 p.m. Prayer for the Church (Pastor Bobby Vitek)
6:18 p.m. Prayer for Families (Sandra Weinheimer)
6:22 p.m. Prayer for Schools (Dr. Eric Wright)
6:26 p.m. Prayer for Individual Faith (Sara Allerkamp)
6:30 p.m. Special Music (Donna Jackson and Duncan Holmes)
6:35 p.m. Smaller Group Prayer (All who are comfortable - no pressure)