God is preparing a table before us!

Psalm 23 is a beloved and powerful psalm of God's provision. However, it does not promise us a rose garden. Life is no tiptoe through the tulips. Sometimes our path is "through the valley of the shadow of death" (v. 4), but we are told that we need not be afraid because God is with us.

Similarly, the psalmist says of our ever-present God: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies" (v. 5). Even though we are surrounded, perhaps, by adversity and adversaries, God prepares a table, prepares a meal for us. And what is most prominent in this meal? The Bread of Life Himself (John 6).

The Bread of Heaven has come into our chaos, our ignorance, uncertainty, sin and fear. The Bread Himself says: "He who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." It is in believing in, depending on, relying upon Jesus Himself that we are filled, that we are sustained even in the midst of adversity.

Please consider joining with your Fredericksburg-area brothers and sisters on May 5 for our annual National Day of Prayer event. God will be there, and He will prepare a table before us. Jesus Himself -- the Bread of Life -- unites us and sustains us. Come with courage; join with joy -- not because our lives and our nation are adversary-free but because a meal awaits us, awaits you.

For more details about our National Day of Prayer event, visit our "Events" page.